Integrated provision and management of a wide range of facility management services able to satisfy the most diverse needs, building, space and people services with full responsibility through continuous benchmarking, to achieve economic and management results with the primary objective to maximize satisfaction.
Targeted, flexible, intelligent and personalized activities:
– Technological services: maintenance and conducting, construction of plants, technological due diligence, surveys and censuses.
– Building services: cleaning, environmental hygiene, operation and maintenance of facilities, maintenance of residential buildings, setting up / rearrangement of interiors, home staging, green areas maintenance, security guards, reception.
During these years the growth has been constant and selective, mainly thanks to the priority choice that has characterized the company since the beginning: never give up considering customer satisfaction as an indicator of success.
Flexibility and punctuality
This characteristic has allowed RMF to build long-term relationships with its Customers, which have proved to be the secure base on which to build and consolidate their future.
Competence and reliability
Our technically competent and specialized staff is able to manage the different cases that show up day after day, an essential element to solve your problems and respect the deadlines.